Fantastic Fables: The Southern Seas (2020). Fantastic Fables is a fictional animated series based upon Singaporean tales and hallmarks. 4 beloved local fables, take on a new lease of life as they are reimagined in 4 visually striking genre, Space Opera, Steampunk, Cyberpunk and Post-apocalyptic. In this series, I worked as the main animator for two episodes: N4D1M and The Merlion Hunt. N4D1M is about the story of a future civilization when humans, robots, and avatars coexist. One day, a virus with the shape of a swordfish appeared and killed several avatars as well as the human hosts. Nadim, the protagonist robot, was the one who sacrificed himself to create a virtual shell against the virus attack. While The Merlion Hunt is about the adventure back to the Earth to retrieve lost merlions, Singapore's iconic symbol.